Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Random Fact: The Guitar Has Been Around Longer Than Most Other Instruments

  • The ancestors of the modern guitar can be traced back to the stringed instruments played across Central Asia and India, in ancient times.
  • The oldest iconographic representation of the guitar is a 3,000 year old carving of a Hittite or ancient Anatolian bard playing the instrument.
  • The modern guitar is believed to have descended from the cithara brought to Hispania by the Romans, in 40 AD.
  • The various references to the guitar in ancient times included guitarra, gitarre, guitare, qitara, cithara, kithara and sihtar.
  • Traditionally, guitars were constructed with combinations of various woods. The strings were made of animal gut.
  • The musical instrument has a mention in records maintained by the Moors, Viking incursions and in traditional Norse carvings.
  • Dimension standards of the modern guitar were established by Antonio Torres Jurado, between 1817 and 1892.

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